I avoid conflict. Writing this is causing some agitate. For instance, in the past, I would have fought tooth and nail when it came to political stance. Yet, when it comes to defending my faith in CHRIST, I can be as quiet as a little mouse. For instance, certain sin. I am uncomfortable calling out truths around hot topics. More-so, those that directly affect my family. JESUS walked to the cross. He was betrayed by one of HIS closest disciples. For a few bucks, Judas handed CHRIST over. But JESUS never hated Judas, rather saw it as a means to the rightful occurrence. Peter was going to deny; Tim to doubt. These were those closest to the MAN who came to save. Were they just believing to believe? Fit in, perhaps? Do I? I ask GOD to reveal to me the things I do that hurts HIS heart. One that came blaring at me is this very issue of denying certain truths for the sake of comfort. Makes me want to run back to the soft and cushy arms of denial. Time to stand up, brush myself off and pull up those big girl panties. Stand up for CHRIST and all that HE IS, WAS and WILL BE! Time for the cold hard truth! Can’t hide beneath the manipulation of the truth any longer so as not to make waves. Cause discomfort among friends. Family. JESUS CHRIST couldn’t have been more uncomfortable, lonely, and in pain. HE stood by and watched sin kill HIM, yet it was that very action that would set me free from my own sinful nature. CHRIST knows me. And he goes to the FATHER and says “forgive her for she knows not what she does”. All the while, I have denied certain “uncomfortable” truths. Now, though, my eyes are opened... I can no longer live under the guise of “not knowing what I do”. I am and will be held accountable! So, I ask LORD, “now that YOU are prying my eyes open, show me and lead me how to walk further, walk out of the cushy comfort in order to be a true soldier for YOU. AND not simply a soldier to fight, just for the sake of the fight. But one who fights for the love of a MAN who freely walked to HIS painful demise while loving HIS very murderers. ONLY TO RISE because HIS flesh was pierced and stripped, but HIS truth arises. Time to get real! Time to defend the ONE who died for me. Not because I was perfect - not because I don’t color outside the lines - quite the opposite! Just because HE loved me first! #ThankYOUJESUS ❤️
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