My Big Family......They make my heart beat
Coming from a Jewish background, some may find this strange or odd but ironically it permitted Deni to understand biblical concepts. Ba't Mitzva'd at 13 - although the day was filled with fun and a big party, Deni felt that something was missing from this celebration. It felt superficial. Moving forward through a life with its ups and downs, at 17, Deni moved out of her parent's home to live on her own. She worked for a residential facility for individuals stricken with profound mental and physical limits. GOD was paving the way for JESUS to enter her heart. It was at that job that Deni met her room-mate who asked Deni if she was "saved"? One thing led to another and in the fall of her 17th year she was baptized in the Bux-Mont Christian church in the Minister's pool.
Fast forward to today, Deni is a wife, mother, grandmother, sister, daughter, friend and CHILD OF JESUS! The SPIRIT laid heavy on her heart to start writing and then paved the way to this blog even providing the name.
I do not know where this is going but I know that GOD is leading me. GOD has a plan and I try to be obedient. I struggle like everyone struggles. I am quick to anger, worry and fall often. I know that I am forgiven and MY FATHER shows me where I fall when he is ready to reveal it to me. I can be prideful and often fight with that. I am forever asking for forgiveness and I will forever continue....until I am HOME and in perfect peace. I welcome comments...advice....opinions. I DO NOT HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS and never will but I know that in my life Romans 8:28 has been my theme. I am proof of that verse. I have adopted it as my favorite. Thanks for sharing my journey and I look forward to getting to know you all through CHRIST who strengthens and leads me. IN JESUS' REMARKABLE NAME....
Fast forward to today, Deni is a wife, mother, grandmother, sister, daughter, friend and CHILD OF JESUS! The SPIRIT laid heavy on her heart to start writing and then paved the way to this blog even providing the name.
I do not know where this is going but I know that GOD is leading me. GOD has a plan and I try to be obedient. I struggle like everyone struggles. I am quick to anger, worry and fall often. I know that I am forgiven and MY FATHER shows me where I fall when he is ready to reveal it to me. I can be prideful and often fight with that. I am forever asking for forgiveness and I will forever continue....until I am HOME and in perfect peace. I welcome comments...advice....opinions. I DO NOT HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS and never will but I know that in my life Romans 8:28 has been my theme. I am proof of that verse. I have adopted it as my favorite. Thanks for sharing my journey and I look forward to getting to know you all through CHRIST who strengthens and leads me. IN JESUS' REMARKABLE NAME....