Looking back over 58+ years of my life, I see hardship, and joy; sadness and laughter. And you know what? Worry never changed it. Stress never made things better. All they ever did provide me, were the gift of ill health and time wasted. Physical symptoms such as increased heart rate, tummy troubles and more. Enter: faith in CHRIST! The closer my walk is with HIM who is my refuge and my strength; the less worry and stress took hold. It is true, you know. Oh, I had worried about my money at various times. The worst, being a single mom of 4 girls and not sure if we would have food, shelter or warmth. And then later in life, actually recently, my husband became ill, and there was a mortgage to pay, food; you get the idea. However, there was difference in the latter time. Instead of wasting time worrying, I spent time praying! I would be a liar if I were to tell you I didn’t battle with worry and stress. But....my worry was less! I woke up and praised GOD. I try and do that every morning (even when woken by a lil pup with mounds of energy). I pray and study the truth of GOD. This keeps me grounded. This provides me power over worries. I know that MY FATHER who clothes with elegance the lilies of the fields and feeds the birds - surely cares more for those made in HIS image. Think about it. We are sinners. Since the beginning of us, we just be messin up! Yet, GOD loved us so much; HE sent JESUS, HIS only begotten son, to walk to the cross, beaten, cursed at, stripped, and then nailed. And then died and rose again. Why? To give us hope. To provide us peace even in the most dire of circumstances. To love us, even when we don’t love ourselves. Stop stressin! You already are blessed, highly favored and loved by JESUS CHRIST THE KING! #ThankYOUJESUS ❤️
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