![]() I will have a dream. If convicted to do so, I will pray about it and work towards it. Yet, minutes pass, nothing happens and I’m ready to throw in the towel. Well, maybe not minutes. However, whether it be days or years, when it becomes scary or tough - I’m ready to run for the hills. I read story after story in the Bible of those who had to wait. Abraham and Sarah were way older before having Isaac. (Genesis 15:2-6) Jacob waited 7 years for Rachel only to be deceived and waited 7 more to get his love! (Genesis 29:25-28) Mary held onto a promise from God for 30 years that her child would be the Messiah (Luke 1:31-33) Those are just a few examples. Waiting is difficult for most. Agonizing for many. And that is why, in the wait, I know I gotta rely on the LORD. HE carries me through the impatience. I cannot tell you how many times I was ready to drop the dream and take what I thought was the easy way out. Just because things got tough! Those times I need to focus on the LORD. Psalm 40:1 tells me that when I wait patiently for the LORD; HE gets closer to me and hears my cries. Furthermore, when we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience." (Romans 8:25) I may not see the possibility of my dream or calling coming to fruition (right now). But I need to remember and remind myself.. GOD will bring me to it in HIS time. This way, when I get antsy, frustrated and impatient... I remember to hold on to the hand of JESUS; get down on my knees, get real in my prayers and cry out to the HIM. Since I am surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, I must throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And run with perseverance (patience) the race marked out for me ...In other words “keep on keepin on” (patiently) with CHRIST by my side! And I will reach the finish line! #ThankYOUJESUS
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