![]() I have been feeling a tad bit “off”. Not down-trodden; just as something is not quite 100 percent. And I, have this mind that thinks of a million things, some completely off the wall. These thoughts are come at me like arrows. And to top it off, as of late I have been plagued with arguments in my head of doubt. And that leaves me with reciting 2 Corinthians 10:5 over and over again. And it works. And then another one occurs and another. At times it is torturous and man-oh-man, it leaves me tired. During this particular rough patch, I feel distant from the LORD. Some would call this an attack. I don’t like to use that term “an attack”. Not sure why. And then, I read below an excerpt in the “Jesus Calling” devotional: “I AM TRAINING YOU IN STEADINESS. Too many things interrupt your awareness of Me. I know that you live in a world of sight and sound, but you must not be a slave to those stimuli.” I can have a million thought bubbles floating around and arrows of perceptions, ideas, concepts and observations coming my way - but! Yep, there is a but! I am NOT a slave to none of it! I am the daughter of a KING! I am as strong as my allegiance to HIM. Will I continue to fight against the thoughts? Heck yeah! Will I win? Heck yeah! Why? Because I shall keep fighting with GOD at my side. GOD fights with me and for me. I am never alone! So this girl is gonna be #winning! #ThankYOUJESUS ❤️
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